Monday, April 14, 2014

Can we fix the broken internal hiring links? The Black Hole your employees see.

Your Corporate Strategy:  It Just Doesn’t Matter?      Part 15

If you and your company think the current hiring and employment status quo is acceptable, you have lost the game before you ever begin.   As Lou Adler recently wrote, as amore immediate business solution regarding a Bill Gates article, “HR Recruiting – Stuck in a Time Warp” (current practices 3),

1. Stop using skills and experience-based job descriptions
2. Measure the hiring manager’s ability to attract, develop and retain top people.  If talent is #1 this should be every hiring manager’s number one performance objective.
3. Never interview more than four people for any job.  If you need to see more than four people, something is wrong.
4. Define Quality of Hire before the person’s hired.

Thank you Lou.  I would add employers have forgotten how and why to hire.

In a recent SHRM article, “Employers, New Employees Question Hiring Decisions”, “Half of new employees surveyed reported they are experiencing buyer’s remorse after accepting a recent job offer….. And they are not alone: With one in eight (14%) new workers employed during a 12-month period having proved to be a bad hire, many employers …are questioning whether they have made wise hiring decisions, according to the study.”

Part of the reason for this uncertainty is the failure of the hiring process to paint a realistic picture of the job, department and company. Painting a rosy picture or pulling a bait-and-switch once they’re on the job will just mean you’ll fill that position again in six to 12 months.”

Remember “accurate” job descriptions are necessary. The hiring manager and internal recruiter must schedule a meeting time. Focus on listing what the new hire will successfully achieve in the first year before there is any discussion of candidate requirements; then list minimal technical requirements and the personal attributes needed to be successful.  
You will likely discover that there is a far wider array of backgrounds that fit your position than you did prior to the meeting. The final position description should place more emphasis on what the new hire will do versus just a laundry list of candidate requirements. In fact, make sure you are displaying the minimum requirements so you don’t exclude potential game changers from the candidate pool. 
Finally, if you use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), the parameters, keys words and phrases must change to match these new broader minimums and expanding the parameters for skills and generational norms.  Some last thoughts on the ever present ATS:  Most ATS cannot read tables, text boxes and headers/footers! This means the Microsoft Word Templates many use to format a resume!  These will not pass through the system!   Finally, unless you manage your ATS job key words and phrases your ATS, the Talent/People/HR Departments and the Employer may be using discriminatory recruiting practices….and a leading cause of the 3 Rs (Ridiculous Recruiting Results)… a subject for another discussion.
Next:  Why do we have Ridiculous Recruiting Results (the new 3Rs)?

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