Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How to Misdirect a People Strategy! Part C

Your Corporate Strategy:  It Just Doesn’t Matter?     Part 27c

CFO financial and accountant skills can provide a great benefit in helping People leaders quantify their sales, profit and savings benefits through their accounting systems and setting up measurable data points and corroborating statistics.  It’s just that people’s sensitivities, personal and professional problems, challenges and their solutions are not well suited to a typical financial education, training, personality or strengths.
Always remember: People are not numbers.  Numbers don’t feel, can't be motivated to excel, have no heightened sense of company, friendship, team work, accomplishment or loyalty.  That's what a great culture and HR brings to the table.  A vast majority of an individual’s decisions are guided by their feelings, perceptions, gut and instinct.  Numbers don’t spread rumors, complain, send tweets, chat or post their everyday experiences on Facebook or similar.  Numbers don’t quit, can’t be fired, can’t be counseled and, above all, are not your customers.  Addressing these people centered issues are what a great culture and great HR leadership brings to the table.

Today’s social media means younger people are equally guided by their friends’ and acquaintances’ feelings, experiences, perceptions, gut and instincts.  If there was ever a more perfect time for the saying, “bad news travels like wild fire”, we have arrived with Snapchat, Tweets, texting/instant messaging, Facebook, Glass Door, etc.

Having already covered the costs to sales in part 18, “When the Black Hole application process tick customers off so much they will never again buy your product or services it reduces sales…”, the negativity of the Black Hole application and hiring process spreads from every applicant’s negative experience to virtually every one of their connections or friends - other potential applicants – like wildfire…..How does one calculate the costs of re-attracting a potential customer to you website or store vs. keeping the ones you already have????  Ask your marketing/sales department.

 As the great poet, Maya Angelou, said "I have learned people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

HR/People/Talent leadership is best matched to the CEO/President/COO, depending on structure.  Most importantly, People Leadership in partnership with all C-level leadership, including financial, is required for organization-wide success.

What is being said about your company???

Next: Do You REALLY Want An “Employer of Choice Plan”?  Part A

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