Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Ed Koch’s “I can explain it to you, but I can’t comprehend it for you.”

Your Corporate Strategy:  It Just Doesn’t Matter?      Final Part 29

In summary, this is not the whole story, but it’s a beginning and surprisingly simple.  The hard part isn’t actually doing it.  The hardest part, and the first step, is key people recognizing the problem exists in the first place.  Or, as the late New York City’s Mayor, Ed Koch, famously said, “I can explain it to you, but I can’t comprehend it for you.”
If it was easy and obvious we wouldn’t have this national problem.  The next hardest step, the giant step for the employer and people, is committing to and dedicating the entire organization to fixing it.  The third step is having the leadership and key people on board who represent, cultivate and carry this vision throughout the organization.  This may require some leadership additions or changes.   If you never start, you will never finish. 
Cultivating this awareness and commitment to becoming an “Employer of Choice” or “Best Employer to Work For” requires the sustainable effort, employee champion management  along with programs and policies your employees can and will recognize. The distinction of being an “Employer of Choice” or “Best Employer to Work For” is a popularity contest voted on by your own people.  Whether you want to become an employer of choice or the best that YOU can be, it will not happen with idle lip service, misdirected programs and/or wishful thinking, but internal and external advertising, marketing, recognition efforts and delivery of real quantifiable products and results to your people.  

Good Luck, Have fun and Happy Culturing!!! 

You can read my take on the $$$ aspect of good employment practices in previous blogs.

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