I believe there is a direct correlation between the prior list of 9 reliable major reports/statistics and employee dissatisfaction, disengagement and anger with employers. I also believe there is a direct correlation between the lack of private sector growth, profits and, consequently, job growth. I believe we will find the same 70-90% of employers who are in violation of DOL and employment laws are the very same employers whose employees are unengaged, dissatisfied and angry. At 70 - 90% non-compliance how could they not be?
If even 70% of employers are in violation of employment laws (let alone 90%), how could one possibly assume their company wasn’t one of them? Surprisingly, almost all ignorantly do!! Remember, ignorance is never a legitimate legal defense, and bad policies resulting in violation of employment laws are never legally defensible. –John Hagen The ongoing and accumulating pro-employee Federal and civil rulings, fines, judgments and awards is fast becoming the employer’s worst nightmare!
As I quoted Mike Myatt previously, “So, for all those employers who [think they] have everything under control, you better start re-evaluating.”
This lack of company growth and profits, coupled with a company’s anti-employee, internally disconnected, counter-productive work environments (and probably illegal practices), directly contributes to the majority of unengaged, dissatisfied and angry employees. Business is experiencing lackluster growth due to the inability of the unemployed to find a decent job and the currently employed to see real wage growth and/or get ahead. Instead people are falling further behind because of inflation, lack of real wage growth and the ability to get ahead while companies and shareholders push for greater productivity, greater profits and higher executive pay and bonuses. All this while costs and prices continue rising, real wage growth is non-existent and positive employee relations, perks, benefits and reasons for staying have evaporated.
Of course this premise assumes the company’s products or services depend on sales to working people for its revenue stream. Most of us know this to be true. Even companies depending on business to business (B2B) sales are most likely affected by the same lack of consumer spending from their customers.
Our workers are our and your customers, not some nameless shadowy group. They do the work in our companies which in turn allows them to buy our products and services. Employment downsizing, streamlining and multi-functioning that cripples maximum effectiveness, lack of coherent hiring practices and poisonous management as a primary cost control point for increasing profit and/or shareholder return results in a reduction in your buying (customer) base. This becomes a negative sum game where there is only one winner - the survivor!!! This is a business model failure!!!
Once again, in these times of slow recovery, how can any business , or our country afford…. $2 Trillion in employment churn and training……when the waste, wasted effort and negative impact to the bottom line can be changed?
Next: Are HUMAN RESOURCE(S) and HUMAN CAPITAL - demeaning terms?
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