As part of a culture change a first step in re-connecting the workforce/employees with the employer is personalizing their value and worth as individually and collectively unique as possible. Anyone and everyone is a human… a homo sapien. To emphasize the personal, Human Resource/Human Capital functions must become People and Talent functions. Many comment a name change doesn’t change the function….but the HR function needs to become more pro-people in order to make the most of our Talent assets by making the workforce a positive pro-company/organization force. To think HR business as usual is OK is like the ostrich who thinks they can’t be seen by sticking their head in the sand.
In fact, by using People and/or Talent Resources or People or Talent Capital, we would better describe our people as the assets they really are and we purport them to be, rather than “humans”. We are way past due for a culture change within HR! This applies equally to SHRM and many other current professional HR organizations. We are all PEOPLE, individual persons, and People are our Talent!
More modern People and Talent organizations use these more descriptive, friendlier and people oriented terms versus human(s). Most larger and progressive organizations tend to use Talent when talking about recruiting as Talent Acquisition or separate the two into management and leadership acquisition and (people) recruitment when it is applied to more repetitive hiring. Under Talent Management is Talent Acquisition, coupled to Training and Development within Centers of Excellence or a company University, and some sort of Succession Planning and Management and/or Leadership Development. However, many if not most progressive companies still use “Human Resources” as a description of location processing paperwork, hires, new hire orientations, discipline, performance, firing, etc.
In general Human Resources functions within these types of larger organizations do the valuable and required nuts and bolts work we depend on in our day to day employee business dealings. Why not name them for what they do - People Services Department? This also means instead of a Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) we will have a Chief People Officer (CPO), Chief Talent Officer (CTO) or Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), a combined title. This should extend throughout the department: VP of People or Talent, Director of People or Talent, People Manager, etc
According to Joyce L. Gioia’s, “What Will Human Resources Look Like in the ….Future?” , HR will be responsible for the candidate and employee experience.
Many companies have already arrived and currently accomplish this task. Engaging and training people for the employee experience has become or will our most critical duty. I believe re-naming and re-titling the functions to accurately describe what we do and who we personally support and value, individually and collectively, is an essential first step!
Next: Can the employee - employer disconnect be solved?
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