Monday, April 29, 2013

Why the Churn and Waste?

Strategy Doesn’t Matter?  Part 8

Most job satisfaction surveys have resulted in the same results for more than a decade. They point to the same managerial perception problems versus what employees really value!  Here is a long list of other reports and statistics suggesting and supporting an actual factual basis for these endless negative employee employment comments and actions.  I believe these reliable, studies and statistics bring great credibility and weight to why current strategies fail and current employees are so dissatisfied: 

1.  Real wages over the last 30 - 40 years have declined because of inflation, meaning employees fall  behind every year, while profits soared.  Lack of available credit is but one result.

2.  In April of 2012 Department of Labor (DOL) stated 70+% of employers violate labor law standards and wage and hour laws, while private Labor Law Firms estimated 90+% of employers are in violation! This means almost every company!

3.  Real employee health care coverage has declined, if it exists at all, while employee out of pocket expenses, insurance premiums and insurance company’s profits have skyrocketed.

4.  Employee retirement security has all but disappeared as employers contribute less and less, if at all, to retirement.  Once a reward for service and an incentive to stay, it is now an employee Do-It-Yourself savings retirement, while our federal government is trying new limitations on Social Security and Medicare.

5.  State’s Right-to-work laws have freed employers to fire people with implied, but not legal, impunity.    

6.  Private sector union membership has declined from 38% to 6+%, the lowest level since 1950.

7.  Federal Agencies charged with enforcing employment laws, until recently have been un-mandated, understaffed and underfunded…..meaning minimal enforcement considering the scope of problems.

8.  Retaliation toward employees complaining, enlightening and whistle blowing is a quickly growing legal complaint.  Employers consistently show they are clueless, don’t care and won’t change.

9.  Generations of workers have experienced, first hand, how their parents or grandparents loyalty to “the company” has been rewarded by having been sent packing after a lifetime of work.

I will stop here….there are many more.  In summation, employees are stuck, have fewer protections, little representation and fewer opportunities.   The employee’s presence with you, the employer, is one of the few leverages and control they have left.  Today’s newest employees work to live their lives, while the boomers lived to work. Younger workers will and do leave in an attempt to find a work life balance, security and an employer they can support and who supports them.
Additionally, we constantly hear there are not enough qualified people for the millions of available jobs.  This may be true in some cases, however, enough hiring isn’t happening because there simply are not enough jobs compared to the number of unemployed (currently 40Million according to DOL). Some are not hiring due to lack of economic confidence, some only  want to hire the employed, some only want to hire the perfect employee, but most have either forgotten how to hire or never knew how to hire in the first place.

The above items should become the basic list to investigate and address as a beginning to changing your company culture and employee relations challenges.

Next: Why do stuck wages affect business growth?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

$2Trillion Wasted Through Not Knowing ... or Not Caring?

Strategy Doesn’t Matter?  part 7

The stories regarding employee - management relations concerns are consistent.  Regardless of what leadership might think its company culture represents, most employees within those companies would define today’s work environment, in general, as disingenuous, disengaged and uncaring in the minimum and methodically anti-employee, abusive, internally disconnected, counter-productive and possibly illegal in the extreme.  All one has to do is ask and/or read their comments and posts.

Further proof is a recent CareerBuilder survey of more than 2,480 managers and 3,910 workers shows that people in supervisory roles often doubt their (own) capabilities…..Many workers say their bosses are ineffective and that they play favorites and fail to communicate well. ……. the vast majority of managers never receive formal guidance on effective team leadership. “Good management skills can positively impact productivity, performance and overall employee morale,” said Rosemary Haefner, Vice President of Human Resources  at CareerBuilder. Another key focus of the survey [was] the shortcomings of the very top leaders of today.

Recently in Forbes, Renee Sylvestre-Williams said, “Managers who don’t create the right opportunities for their employees, don’t communicate with them, and don’t appreciate them often find themselves dealing with a high turnover rate. Good managers are people you keep in touch with even after you leave a position. Bad managers are people you keep track of so you can avoid them in future.”

Finally, let’s not forget top leaders like JC Penney’s Ron Johnson, who alienated JCP’s customer base and laid off almost 25,000 people in a predicted ruining of the company, wrapped in a multi-year rebranding effort.  This top leader of the company never moved to headquarters, but irregularly commuted to Texas from California and didn’t even know the upper level company management.  JCP now faces a totally devastated and demoralized workforce, totally untrusting of company leadership!  Which is it…not knowing…or not caring?  Does it matter?
Whether or not you believe employees feel as previously described, why are these employee opinions and concerns so universal?  Why are they not believed?  However, more large surveys are unnecessary.
Next:  Why the churn and waste?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Employee Churn Cost Business $2Trillion?

Strategy Doesn’t Matter?   part 6

In a recent Workforce Management report, Gary Krantz quotes Jason Corsello, Cornerstone's vice president of corporate strategy and marketing:

…19 million Americans plan to change jobs this year, or 13 percent of the total U.S. workforce, according to the survey. The churn will cost U.S. businesses an estimated $2 trillion to recruit and train new workers. [!!!]  Fourteen percent of survey respondents said they plan to leave their current job within six months to a year. About 25 percent are eyeing a move sometime in the next three years. Just 46 percent of those surveyed acknowledge having a long-range career with their current employer.

This is a really unsettling if not shocking report.  To those of us aware of the costs, it is surprising only in the total dollar estimate.  It serves to illustrate simply controlling employment costs is not the best way to save money when you don't know or don’t care what questions to ask  regarding the effects of your employment culture.

This company disconnect, the lack of managerial, customer and employee value and feedback, is not only a fundamental strategy flaw, it is the primary contributor to why employees have become so disengaged. Their opinions are neither sought nor are they valued and given weight even when learned.  At the core it has become the quest for profits price paid for the long term wellness and survival of the company.  In addition to the above, it is also VERY costly in ways most organizations don’t recognize, track or monitor.  If becoming an ”employer of choice” isn’t a motivator, try to determine what current shoddy recruiting, hiring, engaging, developing and retaining practices cost you every year.

Another recent Forbes talent retention article, by Mike Myatt, echoed past decades and vast numbers of past survey and study findings going back decades:

So, for all those employers who have everything under control, you better start re-evaluating. There is an old saying that goes; “Employees don’t quit working for companies, they quit working for their bosses.” Regardless of tenure, position, title, etc., employees who voluntarily leave, generally do so out of some type of perceived disconnect with leadership.”  

Thank you, Mike.  I would add most managers quit for the same reason.

In these uncertain times of slow recovery how can business afford…. how can our country afford…. $2 Trillion in employment churn and training……when the waste and wasted effort can be changed?

Next: $2Trillion wasted through not knowing, or not caring?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

My Way Management Culture Fails. Why?

Strategy Doesn’t Matter?     Part 5

“My way” (or the highway) management uses intimidation, internal spying, micromanagement, inconsistency, fear, yelling, poor performance appraisals and threats of discipline or termination.  It is characterized by worker distrust, micro-management (too much communication) or lack of communication (secrecy), production inconsistency and constantly higher never-attainable metrics, high turnover, poor health, absenteeism, lack of engagement, fear and/or total confusion about what’s going on and why.  It may work in the short term but poisons engagement and crushes retention and long term stability.  Today, sadly, this is what most employees see every hour of every day in their working life. 

“…. an obnoxious boss can make life miserable for his or her direct reports, but new research covered at length in HBR this month, shows that tormented victims are actually more likely to engage in office nastiness themselves, thereby spreading the unpleasantness in a widening circle around an organization. …… we can add one more item to the list of the highly contagious: being a jerk.

A recent Florida State University study revealed these results about supervisor treatment of employees:

39%: Their supervisor failed to keep promises
37%: Their supervisor failed to give credit when due
31%: Their supervisor gave them the “silent treatment” in the past year.
27%: Their supervisor made negative comments about them to other employees or managers.
24%: Their supervisor invaded their privacy.
23%: Their supervisor blames others to cover up mistakes or minimize embarrassment

Strategy failures look similar whether $Billion over-arching brand/sales strategies like Talbots or JC Penney or internal company/organization culture change. They fail to make the necessary and required changes and improvement and fail the ROI test.   Changes to Employee/Employment Culture are no different, but must represent more than change issues, which is not a strategy. 

New strategies are generally doomed because there is a lack of understanding on how to successfully implement the strategy, the management who will implement it and the reaction of those people most impacted by the strategy change, the People.  The employees know how disconnected and fragmented the companies are, and to most it’s laughable.  It’s only the leadership that doesn’t know.  So…the employees simply bide their working time until something perceived as better comes along….or as Don Weis commented on the LinkedIn's Chief Operating Officer Network Group, “Having buy in from the workforce ….. raises the odds of a great strategy, that will be enthusiastically implemented vs. "just another dumb initiative being thrown out there by corporate" .

Next:  Employee churn costs business $2Trillion?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Why Do Strategies Fail?

Strategy Doesn’t’ Matter?   Part 4

With the pace of change in today’s business and technology, it would be nearly impossible for top Leadership to be too strategic, unless it isolates leadership from what the organization actually does.   Leadership must know where they are, their base line, why and where they are going and its effects.  Providing it’s a good strategy, the execution plan must determine if it can be successfully implemented and how.  This is what top leadership is hired and paid to do! There is no more crucial function than change strategy and it becomes more critical the larger and more diverse the company grows.

Implementation is the hands on work, oversight and due diligence.  However, undertaking a strategy change must represent more than an idea or feeling.  It needs to be backed up with data and facts.  Many strategy makers are also assigned a role in developing the execution plan for implementation.  The larger the company the more difficult implementation becomes and the greater the need for the right strategy coupled with a successful execution plan. 

The biggest roadblocks to successfully implementing any plan are the leaders in charge of and the management implementing it.  Not knowing or understanding your own organizational capabilities, limitations and/or motivations is foolish.  Unfortunately, most companies have let managers manage their areas devoid of real and consistent cultural leadership and oversight.  Management culture defines the what, how and why management exists in the first place…. the basic building blocks and backbone of the company’s cultural essence or identity, the organization’s DNA. 

Without a leader, or group of cultural leaders, who value(s) certain actions and beliefs, who do certain things in a certain way and behave in ways that help the group succeed, the culture of the company becomes whatever each department manager thinks and manages it to be.  This is the “My way (or the highway)” culture, full of favoritism, secrecy, intrigue, anger, infighting and poisonous as well as (usually) illegal people policies and practices.  This type of management culture will doom even a good strategy. 

Next: My way (or the highway) management culture fails.  Why?